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We believe that the search process starts from your own wishes and needs

Who are we?

Our team currently consists of four people: Hieke Bos, Ellen de Rooij, Leonieke van der Werf and Bieneke van der Hoek. We deal with the mental well-being of people from various disciplines. From there a common ideal arose: improving the accessibility of help for psychological problems. Based on the idea that people can already start their own recovery, if appropriate help is not immediately available. Because doing something is better than doing nothing.



We believe that everyone should be able to easily find help within the GGZ. Especially to prevent psychological problems from worsening or to prevent family members from developing psychological problems themselves because they provide care for too long. Prevention is better than cure. We also believe that everyone should end up in the right place. Because personal choice and a good treatment relationship are important for the result of a treatment. The organization of mental health care is changeable, complex and complicated. That is why it is difficult to get an overview of the possibilities. We cannot change that organisation, but we can think along, help and inform. Support helps, even if the appropriate treatment is not yet available.

Our mission

WegwijsGGZ wants to make care within the current mental health care clearer and more accessible for clients, relatives and care providers. Our goal is to better and faster match supply and demand within mental health care in Amsterdam (matching) by setting up a regional referral center. This referral center is available for general practitioners, practitioners and people seeking care. The referral center can provide support in clarifying the problem and request for help, through consultation earlier in the chain (at POH GGZ/GP), diagnostics (especially in the field of personality and trauma and/or psychiatric examination) and involving relatives. The referral center also helps to organize alternative or bridging care for waiting lists. The referral center wants to facilitate and support cooperation between all the different care parties within the mental health care system in Amsterdam. We record the different steps we take in the search for care, in order to learn from them. These activities create an increasingly better picture of supply, demand and bottlenecks.

Sign up?

Here you can register for care counseling or waiting time counseling.
After registration, we will contact you by phone or online.